SWOT...any damn MBA course offered by any established institutions or fly-by-night operations keep drilling this into our heads only... but my SWOT is different..atleast i am going to try my best to try and make it different ( as though you haven't heard that before ). I basically have two plans for this blog.
1) make it a blog of things, events, news, that is happening around me. it could be about a new movie, a joke at work,( most of the times, my work is a big joke), happenings at home...anything. yeah that's right. YOU are stuck reading whatever i feel like writing about.
2) make it an online attempt at a novel. I have been pestered by people over the years to write one.( Hey, i swear...come on..i am not lying...ok will give you their numbers provided you don't file cases or inflict physical harm...ok maybe a little beating would do them some good i guess..). i have actually listened to some of these people and started work but never would i proceed beyond the initial chapters.( ya ya..i know its amazing that Manoj listens to other people also).that's when i got this idea...how about a novel that i write as a series of posts. that way i am not under any compulsion to finish off the entire epic.( yes it would be a masterpiece ...an epic...a tome that would be beyond all fame and recognition...already in talks with Warner brothers for the movie rights...i want george clooney in the lead...)
anyway that is the plan... so i would be doing either of these, or both...or one at a time..followed by the other...in no particular order. Man , the above sentence could be true for this blog as well as a menu of choice for any Bi-sexual looking for a hot night.
...ya one more thing...this might contain material inappropriate for children below the age of 18...so kids make sure you don't bookmark this page and clear your history for the ride is about to start.
Looks like a good start. but a little beating would do us good?